Secure and discreet abortion services for your convenience and privacy

“Pills By Mail: A trusted, person-centered online abortion care service. We prioritize individualized care and provide full support throughout. FDA-approved abortion pills delivered in just 1-2 business days for $150.”

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Pregnancy Calculator

From first day of your period to the first day of your next period. Ranges from: 22 to 44. Default = 28 Optional: Leave 28 if unsure.

This is not a diagnosis. The calculations that are provided are estimates based on averages.

Seeking Abortion Pill Options for Pregnancy.

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How to Take Abortion Pills

Follow these easy instructions on how to take the abortion pills at home.

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We charge $150. If you want medication to help with your nausea/vomiting it is $155.

No, we do not currently accept health insurance. We do provide financial assistance, and you can inquire about it by contacting  after completing the intake forms and consents.

  1. You should have some amount of bleeding it can be a little less than a normal period, the same as a normal period or heavier than a normal period depending upon your body and how far along in the pregnancy you are.
  2. All of your pregnancy symptoms except any breast changes you have should get better quickly - in 1-3 days after taking the second medication (Misoprostol). Breast changes ie tenderness and swelling can take up to 10 days after taking the Misoprostol to go away.

If your pregnancy symptoms do not go away completely in 10 days you should arrange to get an ultrasound this might mean the medication did not work and you need more medication or it may mean that you have an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy growing outside of the uterus) ectopic pregnancies are rare but can be life threatening if they rupture/burst so it is really, really important that you get an ultrasound if you still feel pregnant 10 days after the abortion.

Bleeding can vary, if you are less than 6 weeks pregnant you may just use 1-2 pads for the entire process.

If you are later in the pregnancy you may have heavier bleeding where you soak through several pads (you should never soak through more than two thick, overnight pads an hour for more than 2 hours in a row).

Most people are done bleeding in 1-2 weeks however some people can bleed on and off for 4-8 weeks after the abortion.

Most people only see grey/white tissue and blood clots come out. If you are over 10 weeks pregnant when you take the abortion pills you will most likely see a small fetus that is between 1.5 and 3 inches long.

You do not need to take off of work or school when you take the first medication Mifepristone  but you should not plan to do anything when you take the second medication Misoprostol. For example if you work or go to school Monday -Friday you can take the first medication Mifepristone Thursday night or Friday morning and take the second medication Misoprisotol Friday night or Saturday morning so that you have the whole weekend free to complete the abortion process.

You can store the pills in a dry place at room temperature for up to two years.

Most people feel nothing after they take the mifepristone.

Common side effects related to Misoprostol are:

  • headache
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • chills
  • low grade fever
  • cramping
  • bleeding

These side effects can last up to 24 hours after taking the second medication misoprostol.

SERIOUS Allergic Reaction

If at any point in time after taking the abortions pills you start to have:

  • difficulty breathing
  • wheezing
  • feel like your throat is closing
  • have any swelling in your face or neck



Completely soak through more than 4 regular pads an hour for 2 hours in a row or more than 8 pads in 1 hour  or if you do not get a response within 30 minutes call or go to the Emergency department.

If after 24 hours after taking the second set of pills you have FEVER over 101, flu like symptoms, severe lower abdominal pain that does not get better with Ibuprofen

You should wait 4 weeks before taking another pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can stay positive for up to 4 weeks after an abortion.

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